Our First Day!

Our First Day

Wednesday September 5th is our first day in first grade. Doors open at 8:25. To ease your child's anxiety please discuss with your first grader the following;

My first graders can independently;
1. Empty backpack, notes, homework, library books
2. Hang backpack and coat on #hook
3. Place cold lunch in basket
4. Move lunch stick to HOT or COLD
5. Find desk
6. Sit at desk, entry task waiting

Snacks- I appreciate signed parent permission slips.  The page is in your parent information packet. Please sign and return it to me asap. I will not serve a snack  until ALL slips are returned.

Breakfast- Ridgeview serves breakfast from 8:15-8:35. This is an optional meal. Please check the district menus for breakfast and lunch choices. Parents dropping off for breakfast, please remember, students enter through the cafeteria doors from the parking lot.

Before school begins- There is no supervision before 8:15 am. Do not send your child to school too early. They are unsupervised. After dropping off ALL students are requested to line-up at their classroom back door.

Lunch- Students may bring a cold lunch from home, or eat hot lunch from the cafeteria. You may pay for hot lunches in the office, online, or in the cafeteria before school begins, 8:15-8:35 daily.
How am I going home?- Please tell your child if you are picking them up, or if they are riding the bus each day. Please call the office before 2:30 pm if your plans change! If you call before 2:30 the office will notify. I do not want to put your child on the bus if you are picking them up.

Backpacks- Please send your child with an "empty" backpack daily. I send notes/completed work home every afternoon. Reading homework will start soon, and I want to establish a daily routine.

My first graders can independently;
1. empty their mailboxes (notes, corrected papers, art work)
2. place their mail in their backpack
3. bring an empty backpack the next day

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